The History of Business Project
Welcome to, home of the History of Business Project: A Complete History of Business in America & the U.S. Economy. The purpose of this resource is threefold:
1. Provide an easily digestible repository of resources for college students who are studying business or similar fields.
This project is meant to provide business students an overview of the history of business and commerce in America and the U.S. economy presented in easy to access formats. This will help students with a better understanding of business in general and give them a picture of the business innovation and creation process. This project will also introduce students to a background of terms and concepts used in everyday business and economic conversations. A curriculum for a Business 101: “History of Business” college course is being developed as part of this project.
2. Inspire and motivate the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators.
Providing a picture of the past will inspire a vision of the future as a rising generation of leaders and entrepreneurs see the how products and companies can blossom from a seed idea to funding and launch, to mass adoption. Understanding business history will also help these future leaders and innovators avoid the pitfalls of their predecessors.
3. Furnish a resource for individuals and organizations studying family history.
Provide users contextual history of the business and economic conditions of various ancestors who lived at different times in the U.S. This resource can answer questions about ancestors, such as: What were the economic conditions during different time periods throughout this ancestor’s life? What major businesses existed? What was commerce like? What platforms did they use to communicate? And so forth.
Behind The History of Business Project….
To introduce myself, I am Russell Banz and The History of Business Project is my endeavor to accomplish the missions stated above. I have a passion for the history of business and economics, as well as an extensive background in media. I am a strong advocate for business and product innovation and am a strong believer that understanding the past is the key to knowing what is next and where the future is going. I also believe that most business students lack in their overall understanding of the business landscape and the history of commerce and innovation.
I have worked in various forms of media since 1994 (digital, television, radio, print, etc.) and was an early pioneer in digital media. I have been blessed to launch game-changing innovative services in the digital space throughout my career, including and the KSL Classifieds. I believe my study of past media (even as a teenager) led to thoughts that helped me with many of these innovations.
I have BS in business from Brigham Young University and a MBA from the University of Utah. While these were wonderful schools, I wished I had been given more opportunities to study the history of business, commerce, and media while in college.
Over the last few years, I have been studying future artificial intelligence (AI) technology, while at the same time intensely studying business history from 1600 until the present time. My study of business history specifically includes the media landscape and the history of media platforms as understanding past media will predict the next generation of media. This project merges the interest in AI and business and media history.
If you would like to collaborate, provide donations, support this project, or are interested in any way as someone with like-minded interest and passion, please feel to contact me at:
Thank you for your interest and support!
Russell Banz
Linkedin – Russell Banz
“A picture of the past paints a vision of the future”